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Reproduction rights

If you wish to obtain rights to reproduce any image, such as in a publication, television programme or other commercial format, please contact the museum (, giving the following details:

  • Details of the publication/media in which the image is to be used
  • Your requirements for the image (size/colour etc.)
  • The extent of rights required (see below for options).

Reproduction fees

The fees for obtaining reproduction rights (excluding VAT) are detailed below. Reproduction fees are in addition to a staff time charge for supplying the images, and the cost of any new photography.


  One country/One language World rights/One language World rights/All languages
Books, partworks, periodicals and electronic works  £80 £110 £160
Theses and articles in academic journals £40 £60 £80
Book and audiobook jackets; magazine covers £160 £210 £280
CD, cassette, record, video, DVD or CD-ROM covers (3 year right per format) £230 £310 £410


Television and film
(per named programme, per format)

  One country/One language World rights/One language World rights/All languages
One-time flash fee up to 12 seconds £70 £100 £160
Repeats £45 £50 £80
10 years unlimited (all formats, per programme) £350 £450 £650


DVD and video
(per format)

  One country/One language World rights/One language World rights/all languages
DVD and video (per format) £100 £150 £250
Repeats £50 £75 £125

Cost of supplying images

We make a charge of £35 for supplying the first image, plus an additional charge for subsequent images dependent on staff time required. Please contact us for an estimate of costs.

How to order and pay

Please see how to order and pay for more information on placing an order.

All fees must be paid in full before permission to use an image is granted.

Terms and conditions

Permission to reproduce Whipple Museum images is dependent on the full acceptance of the terms and conditions detailed here.

Opening Times

We are regularly open five days a week, 12.30 - 16:30.

And now open the third Saturday of every month!

Monday 12.30 - 16:30

Tuesday 12.30 - 16:30

Wednesday 12.30 - 16:30

Thursday 12.30 - 16:30

Friday 12.30 - 16:30

Selected Saturdays 10.00 - 16.00

We hope to see you soon!